John Lennox & Kevin Sorbo  |   Pensmore Films  |   Kharis Productions

A Journey with a Difference...

Against the Tide is a travelogue, a science documentary, an excursion into history, an autobiography and more! But at heart, it is the story of one man’s daring stand against the tide of contemporary atheism and its drive to add belief in God to society’s catalogue of dead ideas.

“I have taken a stand against atheism because I am convinced that it is perilously built on false premises and misinterpretations of evidence. Some of it is from science and some of it is from history. Properly understood, the evidence inexorably points to the existence of a creator God.” (Professor John Lennox)
“If that’s true, the world needs to hear about it!” (Kevin Sorbo, the film's co-producer and presenter)

In a film that, for the first time, brings together the evidence from science and evidence from history, follow John Lennox’s battle for the truth about God, told throughout this journey with a difference - and experience the difference the evidence can make!

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You can download the film's free companion guide here:

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The Essential John Lennox

Join producer/director Iain Morris in Israel for a filmed interview that gets to the heart of what motivates this defender of the Christian faith.


Tales from the International Arena

Find out from this interview with John Lennox the inside story on his debates with some of the world’s best known atheists.


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“Amazing production.” (DP)
“A great film to have on university campus.” (MDeF)
“Brilliantly filmed.” (HS)

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Companion Guide

The Against the Tide Companion Guide [Download PDF] provides a range of quotes and issues for discussion arranged in seven sections reflecting the themes of the film. Use this guide to think through and explore further the film’s content, either as an individual or in a group.

Related Media

Against the Tide is likely to prompt questions and further discussion about any of the big issues in the film. It is likely that you will have the opportunity – or even the need – to follow up on issues arising. There are book and film resources available  and recommended – for individual as well as group study.

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